Marijke and Hermy
That is a very good question to put:
- The dictionary you looked at belongs to a bank. their reasoning is that the caderneta translates the cadastro of the property which contains the same up-to-date facts of a property such as placement and ownership, plus taxable value of the "imóvel".
- But in reality it does not identity such things as onuses and charges and servidões prediais and other events which may be relevant to the transmission of a property.
That is why the final act in a sale (transmission), it's perfection, is the enrolment of such an act at the land registry.
Also, like all our marital and civil events are registered at the Civil Registry, and thus we have an ID Card, likewise, all the events a property goes through are only registered at the Land Registry and the Certidão de Teor Predial is the ID document of that property.
And hence, one should consider "C" to be correct. But be aware of the how the issue is put, because the Fiscal (Taxable) ID is made through the Caderneta, or even the proof of payment of IMT...
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