Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Manutencao needed?

As angariador it is said that...A inscricao na actividade de angariacao imobiliares e sua manutencao dependem do preenchimento cumulativo.....what if yoo are unable to give them all info necessary to subscribe as an angariador?? can you then still work or be active as an angariador...or do you have to comply with the rules and wait untill you have given them all necessary information.


I'm sorry to say that formally it is a black or white situation.

If you do not have all the requisites available to send to them, my best advise is to send what you have.

It is written in the 211 law that they give you then a set numbers of days ( I believe it's 20) to get the missing requirements to them.

If you establish a rapport with them, they will not stop you sending those last elements later than those 20 days span. The way to do it is to either send a registered letter or a fax to them, at the time, informing them of your difficulties in attaining such elements...

But you canot officially be active, no.

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