Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The amount of detail required to learn

Is it absolutely necessary to know all the law, portario and disposto numbers and sub-numbers I am coming across.Will we be examined on those ?



Hi Amelia,

The syllabus is designed to help you absorve and UNDERSTAND what is required by IMOPPI as "Initial Training".

This means that the texts are made simpler and directed to each subject as we go in the direction of the Full Legal Regime:

- The Empresa de Mediação Imobiliária (And the Mediador) versus the Angariador;

- Real Estate Ethics

IMOPPI wants you to prove you know who you are as professional, what the other professional (May it be the EMI or the AI are; Your relationship towards the final consumer (Cliente and Interessado) and towards IMOPPI and the State.

These 3 modules will account for some 60% of the questions asked in the exam.



It is necessary to know which are the laws "names": Decreto-Lei 211/2004, etc.

But it is far more important to understand the issues and technical matters at hand and drive them through common sense and the particular realm of each question and 4 answers - To succeed in the exam.

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