Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dispensation (of exam)

s the Architekt dispensed ( Test ) of both, Mediacao and Angriacao ?

It is the 3 Test online and the second question!

I one of the test I did online it was valid wrong when I put " ambos " there like in the Paperwork we have. Thanks Rita


Here is the issue and its explanation:

Sou arquitecto.

Como profissional que sou, posso tornar-me:

- Angariador

- Mediador

- Ambos

- Nenhum deles.

The issue here is a linguistical one.

Notice the use of the verb SER.

By stating that I AM an Architect and that I AM a professional, this implies that I am active in my profession.

The activity of Angariação Imobiliária is an exclusive and completely personal one, which closing in on the individual and disallows such a person to do anything else but angariação Imobiliária.

Where as, although the activity of the EMI is exclusive, I may become a mediador as the law does not close or even constrict this activity in itself, but allows the freedom to have a EMI company (Thus as a silent partner, managing partner or simply as manager) and still permite such a person to practice in a separate “pessoa juridical” architecture, law, etc.

Hence, if I practice architecture, I can (only) be a mediador …

If, on the other hand, it was written as follows:

Formei-me em Arquitectura.

Tirei este curso, e por isso, posso tornar-me: (...)

Then the answer would be AMBOS.

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